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What is coconut oil good for weight loss -

21-12-2016 à 21:57:12
What is coconut oil good for weight loss
Do you have any research, or know where I can get it, about why fat is good for us and what types of fat. I now have my grandson using it (different types of oil) to wash his face and help with his acne. Sorry but im trying to figure out which coconut oil is best for cooking. As ketones are produced more, a state of ketosis is created. 1 How do you feed it to your furries. Benefits of MCFAs (MCTs) All of these MCTs are beneficial to the body. Reply Kat Myers says: 8. Reply Maria Montoya says: 3. Coconut oil will supercharge your metabolism by way of supercharging your thyroid. Reply Cyndi says: 148 Which Tropical Traditions coconut oil do you use. Reply Annie says: 137. I am using it for a bunch of stuff but mostly internal and OP. 7 Yellow dock capsules have really worked for a friends daughter who had it real bad and steroids did nothing but make it worse. I got my old crib after almost 30 years in an attic and it needed some love. 1. I live in Scotland and its not very warm here so it would be solid. They have several and would like to know which one is the most beneficial. Great for baking, stir-frys or as a dairy free replacement to butter. Reply Candi says: LOL YOU made me laughg Reply Audrey says: 1. If I use cco on it for acne will it make the problem worse. Anyplace I would use butter, I now use coconut oil. I use it on my blood sugar issues along with organic ACV. Reply Tayler says: 46 I get yeast infections once a month. DO NOT SWALLOW (toxins are drawn out. You can continue with your regular hairstyling regimen. I have personal and professional experience with this one. I use a fork to scrape the cold oil into shavings the size of oats and measure out how much I want. Reply Brittney Holland says: 35. 4. Elena Reply Wellness Mama says: 16. Dee says: I put it in my coffee 3 times a day and LOVE it. Sort of an early pony express except they used Tarahumara Indians to do the running as ponies had long since died out in the Americas besides being dog sized. Thank you Reply Karen says: 170. At first I thought is was because of the winter weather, but now I wonder if its the oil. My friend bought it as doctor recommended it for using on his very very dry hands. Mercola raw honey or manuka honey is best. 2 Try massaging warm honey into skin and smooth over face. Reply Gonzalo Quintero says: 132 I purchased coconut oil long time ago when I read how good it is I when to my kitchen cabinet and got the jar of coconut oil but it is expire expire July 2013 can I still use it I already took a spoon full of it Reply Gonzalo Quintero says: 132. It removed moles off my face. BUT it us really hard to wash out. Reply Carla says: 79 Hi love this new web site new for me. So, I do oil pulling 5 minutes at a time and it works best for me. I always melt it into liquid first though so it blends better. Reply Gaga says: 60 I prefer Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Reply Andrea Caballeros says: 25 I have been hearing about the benefits of coconut oil and how fat does NOT make you fat but I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. 1. This type of coconut oil has been found to have the highest antioxidant levels. 2 I got the organic expeller for the same reasons. Reply Jamie says: 13. Also because it has become a daily routine of handling the oil I actually remember to use it in my cooking. 1 Those bumps are called Keratosis pilaris (aka chicken skin). Coconut oil is also a decent source of several fat soluble vitamins (mainly A and K) as well as healthy polyphenols. I think it would be a better option for removing face makeup too not just eye-makeup, yes. Could it possibly provide all the same benefits. Fractionated Oil or MCT Oil Fractionated oil or MCT oil is a liquid oil that does not get solid below 76 degrees like unrefined oil does. I have noticed some affects on my body temperature as I tend to always be very cold due to poor circulation. I also put a couple teaspoons in my bath my skin is so refreshed and much healthier looking it leaves my skin with a glow as if I went to beauty salon and got a facial. Then before bed apply fresh lemon juice to face and rinse with cold water the next morning. 1 Those bumps are caused by gluten in your diet. nancy says: In your oat meal. I have to get over the taste and just do it. Reply Danielle says: 26 Anytime I burn myself with an iron or hair straightener I apply coconut oil immediately and it takes away that initial hot burning feeling. There are carbohydrates in fruit, bread, and even small to moderate amounts in vegetables. Reply Deb says: Just spit it out. They love it so much, that the moment they hear the jar opening, they all come running. Adding coconut oil to your coffee is a delicious way to start your day with a huge energy boost. Reply Maria says: 5. 1 I wondered this too. Reply Gabriela says: 22. 1. cj says: Has anyone cut the soft gel coconut oil and used it for lotion. Suggestions on how I can use it and disguise the taste. I daily apply the same, its really worth for me. 1 p. There is another one u can add to your list Mama. 2. 1 It should be solid at room temp and it should last over a year. Reply Amanda Steele says: 103 It has helped my bumps on the back of my arms tremendously. 3 We use it with our popcorn machine from paragon. Reply roxanna says: 157 I love all the information on this sight. The one thing that has always stood out, most starkly, is the complete lack of any real evidence to support the idea that it causes cardiovascular disease. Types of Coconut Oil There are several choices when it comes to using this healthful fat. Reply Jessica says: You could buy Coconut oil at stores but i would not recommend. I use a good portion of coconut oil as well as extra virgin olive oil as the base. Reply Ashley Garrett says: 9. 11 Folks, there is an easier way to ingest the oils. After a shower put it over face and neck, give it some time it works. So if you use coconut oil on your face etc. Even the outer lining of your cells (aka cell membranes) are compsed of phospolipids which is phosphate and lipids (aka fat) so its necessary for your body. Filed Under: Health Print Friendly This post contains affiliate links. 1 Given that no scientific data is actually provided in the article list to support any claims, I remain skeptical. 5 Aloe Vera gel and also olive oil might do the trick. I have maintained the 4xday regimen and I highly recommend you do so as well. The only question I have is the intake part. After about 5 days of self treatment, it was gone. Reply debz says: You definitely should not swallow it when oil pulling. Not severe or anything, but like clockwork after or before that time of the month. I recently switched to a coal tar shampoo, but he still has dry, itchy skin. So far so good I also have my diabetic husband whohad 4 heart attacks in 4yrs taking it seems to be helping so were staying with it. I also make cacoa balls made with almonds coconut oil, shreded coconut. It is great for cooking eggs, stir fries, grain free baked goods, and practically any other cooking use. I have fibromyalgia and think this would be helpful on so many levels. Then add the chia and about an ounce of juice, stirring as you drink it. Reply Wellness Mama says: 8. Recently he wrote a blog post on saturated fat and cardiovascular disease. Maybe calling it oil cleansing would be more acceptable. Reply Maryalice says: 7. Reply Miranda Meow says: 109. I was looking for information on how to use coconut oil as a skin moisturizer and this 101 uses list popped up. Reply Rachel Mullins says: 29 awesome info, thank you. I think you could have easily condensed it to 50. Reply Elijah says: DUFFY: Using oil in the mouth is just so foreign to most of us. You even inspired me to start my own blog. 1 Tropical Traditions, which Is mentioned above, offers the 5 gal bucket. 2. Store brands a lot of times have been refined and thats a no no. I take an amount of solid oils and put it in a small glass jar (big enough to put a spoon in) and let it sit in HOT WATER in the sink. Please send any information that will help me learn more about this wonderful product. You could easily add two tablespoons to this to get your daily allowance into one meal. 1 Yes You Can: One teaspoon Drink it in a glass of water or as a suppository Cold from the refrigerator and insert to the rectum as it melts very fast and is safer than store laxatives. Thank you. 1. Reply frankie says: 120 I found out I am pregnet with my lucky number 8 baby its my 7 time being prgenet I have had twins I used coconut oil on my tummy and on all of my kids when they wore born we all have soft skin. Reply lorlizza says: 147 I love how you enumerate all the benefits of coconut oil. Thank you:) Reply Heather says: 99 Can anyone give some recomendations of the coconut oil they use. It really helps to massage her when she has trapped gas. Oh, and does this really help with the thyroid. Reply Carolan Ross says: 107 I ordered coconut oil through this page a few months ago, got the free book (THANKS, love it) and use it now daily. In the past, they attempted to give it to animals to make them gain weight (especially livestock) and they actually lost weight instead. of just melted coconut oil. Reply Catie says: Put it in a blender or whisk it. Reply Kat Myers says: 28 May not apply to everyone, but did wonders to heal my tattoos in half the time and kept them from peeling, which is how color is lost while healing. My face is super oily and I can not seem to find any thing that works to keep it oil free throughout the day. My personal trainer (years ago) was the one who introduced me to coconut oil. I also buyI in capsules at vitamin store has helped with osteoarthritis also. Reply Karen reed says: 1. June Marie says: I just bought unrefined (in a jar) from Target. Reply nana says: 144 I recently started using CCO, I keep a small cup with lid in my shower, use for shaving my legs and all the dry areas when I get out of the shower. your taste buds will become accustomed to it. The water is important to help flush the chia thru ur system. 1 How did you eat it. Reply Vickie says: It comes from cows or pigs (will usually say bovine or pork gelatin on the label). I tried using this as a facial moisturizer and it left about 4 large pimples on my face. mixed in with a homemade conditioner for daily use. FREE Summit from Health Experts Teaches About Healthy Fats to Reverse Disease and Lose Weight From November 7 - 14 Dr. And does he rub it and remove it or leave it on over night. Would it be safe to try coconut oil on it. Reply Elcee says: 85 When I came down with a yeast infection a while ago I did the soaking a tampon thing, and it worked magic. Do you have any concerns about swallowing it. I ordered 2 gallons of Tropical Traditions Gold on sale. Both myself and my sister have pets with skin issues. 1 I just mixed whole seeds with the oil. 1 Chia seeds do NOT have to be ground up in order to be used by the body. I would like to try it internally but do not want to worry about it becoming counterproductive. Odor cleared up within about a hour and lasted for the entire day. I have a scrambled egg and coffee and I am good to go. Eating more than calories than you are burning makes you gain weight. I use as a night cream but ran out of day cream and decided to use my coconut oil this morning as an alternative. It has prevailed for over a half-century and is only now beginning to deteriorate. As soon as my 6 week check was done away we went. I believe coconut oil really makes a difference. Reply Alley says: 115 Would it be okay to add coconut oil to my morning bentonite clay mix. I just rub on a small amount on and around my eyelids. I spread a little bit of both coconut oil and almond butter on a dried date for a sweet yet energy-boosting snack. Reply Bob says: 160. Since it travels directly to the liver, it is used for energy and not stored as fat. Sonya Bailey says: 22. 1 its not difficult at all i put it on at night and put my hair up and in the morning i take a shower with shampoo and conditioner and it comes out just fine Reply fannyp says: 110 I recently read an article that suggested making your own coconut oil to save money. However, I did notice it makes my skin feel less dry and smooth. Stores well for reheating in a toaster oven. O. 3 Which oil did you use. I am going to start saturating his hair with coconut oil on bath day a. Its a blend of many different seeds (chia, hemp, etc) in my yogurt, my cereal, etc. Natural Blush Make-up Recipe Luxurious Homemade Lotion Recipe Natural Tinted Lip Balm Recipe Chocolate Coconut Clusters Recipe Natural Shimmer Lip Balm Recipe Coconut Granola Recipe Reader Interactions Ever Wonder What Your Odds of Hormone Deficiency Are. War on Saturated Fats Has Harmed People in Poor Countries Who Shunned Traditional Fats Like Coconut Oil One of the most pervasive dangerous food myths has been the lipid hypothesis or theory of heart disease. Reply Allie says: 46. Told her to use coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree. you could start by oil puling and spitting it out, and work up to swallowing it or just try to swallow it quickly and have something tasty after. It has a totally different smell and not so great taste. Reply George says: 15. I tried putting it in tea and nearly barfed. I did a one day fast with mostly coconut oil (and was not hungry) and felt so good and lost a lot of weight. I will order the Tropical Traditions that you recommend but will this one be ok to use as a lotion. Kathy says: Thanks, I actually checked that out through the link on your post. It was avoided and shunned for years because of its 92% saturated fat content but recent research is showing this stigma was unwarranted. 4. Reply Jean Blount says: I just started cleansing my face nightly with a oil blend. Nutritional Profile of Coconut Oil Part of the reason coconut oil is such a powerhouse superfood is its unique nutritional profile. 3 It completely healed my acne scars. Thank you for all this great information and advice. Reply Jessica says: if you think of coconut oil like i lotion that will give you a better understanding. Reply Brian says: 106. Add a teaspoon of coconut oil and a teaspoon of organic flax oil to his feed every day and watch what happens. Penney says: I put the coconut oil on toast just as I would butter and I sprinkle cinnamon on top. Reply Neoma Gomez says: 75 I also use coconut oil on my pets. Reply Oce says: 116 I found for me it worked best on my hair. Reply johnny b says: 1. In response to Carol who says that those bumps (chicken skin) are caused by gluten. She suggests soaking a tampon in it and inserting the tampon for a few hours. 1 and if its been painted, it would probably contain lead in the paints. Johnny b Reply Almeta Anne says: This is what I have also found to be the easiest. 1. Reply Lili says: 5. debating on heating it slightly and doing quick shots Reply Carolan Ross says: I put chia seeds in yogurt, which I eat nearly every day. Reply Romina says: I would not recommend you to swallow the oil pull at all. I can do that a few times if I think I need to do so. I buy it in one gallon buckets and then re-use those buckets. Reply Debbie Mills says: 54 I use to use coconut oil on my chilblains only thing I found cooled them and helped to go down Reply Seth Harrison says: 55 Is it hard like crisco or oily like veg oil. Malcom Kendrick is a Scottish doctor and author of the book The Great Cholesterol Con. I made a sugar body scrub: brown sugar, coconut oil,vitamin e, and lavendar essential oil. D. To relieve the itchiness and burning, I started using it every night and morning. Reply Chrissy says: 5. 2. 1 Definitely a better option and it works as a face wash and makeup remover. Because MCFAs are sent right to the liver for digestion, no bile or pancreatic enzymes are needed for digestion, making coconut oil a healthy food even for those with diabetes or those who have gallbladder problems. So from that I decided that is the best thing for using on all kinds of burns. I would still like to read more research on how this is good for me. I can even cook a lot of my favorite foods, including popcorn. My friend also puts chia seeds in (bit crunchy for my liking) They taste devine and you only need one or two to satisfy your sweet tooth and all the ingrediants are good for you. Monolaurin has been shown to be useful in increasing immunity and fighting viruses and disease. Reply Kathy says: 67. 1. Reply Denise says: 86. Caroline says: I put it in my green smoothies too. Almond Milk, Banana, Chocolate protein powder, Strawberries, TBSP. Reply Jo says: 163 can I use unrefined virgin coconut oil for external use too. I tried the coffee recipe this morning and LOVED it. (I already give it to him orally). Moly. The body converts lauric acid to monolaurin, which is beneficial for immune function. Amy Myers, M. I personally use oil cleansing on my skin and have good results with it. 1 Rub some onto your toy, your hands, or your man. Reply Angela says: 3. I also had to put it on my poor cats paws when he stepped in something corrosive outside, which healed them right up. Reply Sheree says: 124 Thanks for all the great ideas. I saw at GNC that they are selling VCO is it the same as the product you use. 1. Reply Deidra says: 37 I have been looking for something like this. com. Reply suzan gilliam says: 126 Do you just eat the coconut oil (jelled) with a spoon. I am now a believer and wanted everyone to know there is now 102 uses. 1. The second day, I had SO much energy, I felt as if I could climb Mt Everest. I also put some in a smoothie (pineapple, kale, carrot and apple) for my kids and they loved it too. 2 How many teaspoons of oil do you take. On the plus side the skin around my eyes looks phenominal. Reply Ava says: 8. I have those bumps and going gluten free has not made them go away. Like in no bake cookies. Reply Susan says: Yes, you can put coconut oil on your upper and lower eyelids, and yes, it is perfectly fine to use melted coconut oil on your face. Makes stir fries so delicious during the peak of fresh produce season I might eat this daily. Reply Josa Ducay Portem says: 94 This list deserves to be hanged in every kitchen. He used some expensive over the counter cream and this apparently out does it. I know I am just reading this now as you wrote 9 months ago and probably deffinatly have a little cutie now. You re-listed the same things constantly, and it made me not feel like reading all the way through. Reply Linda says: 158 I wonder if anyone can suggest how I can use coconut oil in a spray bottle for cooking without it solidifying. 1 Can you leave the coconut oil on your teeth all night or do you need to brush it off. Personally i love the natures way organic coconut oil. 1 Coconut oil is actually unique in its high lauric acid and MCFA content so it is in a form that is readily absorbed as energy and not easily stored as fat. 3. Can you email me the list of uses for cocnut oil so i can email it my friends. No biggie. So coconut is great, but many people are allergic or intolerant to it. Katie - Wellness Mama says: This is oil pulling: Jody says: I feel dumb, but what is pulling. That note made me feel a little nervous about even taking it during the day. I suggest using on scars, and as an after shower skin conditioner daily. I use a brand that does not have a coconutty flavor for baking, as it can overpower. These fats are solid at room temperature like coconut oil is and substitute well in recipes. For external uses, expeller pressed, fractionated or other types of refined coconut oil will work, but for internal use, an unrefined organic oil is best. I read people should have 1 ounce a day to be affective Reply Blue says: 8. you can also put it in a smoothie so you dont taste it at all. Reply Robert says: 151 Can coconut oil be used during oral sex. Reply Heather says: 154 I am drinking a delicious smoothie as I type this: 1 medium banana 8-ounces unsweetened almond milk 2 handfuls organic spinach 1 tablespoons organic raw almond butter 2 tablespoon chia seeds 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil The coconut oil makes the smoothie creamier and gives it just the slightest hint of coconut flavor. Reply Jeannie bailey says: 8. After using so much coconut oil the doctor told me to gain weight. Reply Sonja says: 4. 1 I made POPCICLES with it yesterday. Reply Denise says: 88. My favorite uses are: Uses for Coconut Oil in Cooking and Recipes A great cooking oil with a high smoke point. If you go online you can find a lot of testimonials of the benefits people have found from Oil Pulling, and also the different oils you can use. I can attest to it being GREAT as an after shave lotion. Is there anything I can mix with it to keep it liquid. There are many studies out there that will give you the details, but suffice it to say, that fat does not cause fat. Which one should I use and where to purchased. Can you let me know what I need to do to get it. The next I got was Betterbody Extra Virgin and tasted like eating a Mounds candy bar. 1 Candy, I would try the frozen method that has been mentioned and see if that works for you. Reply Sean Michaels says: 105. I recently gave up all the super expensive and chemical-laden potions I had been using in favor of Argan oil. Bottom Line: this worked perfect for my hair when left in and when used as a primer before shampooing. This will get rid of acne scars and acne. Recently he wrote a blog post on saturated fat and cardiovascular disease. 10 I make a smoothie with chocolate organic vegetable protein powder, chia seeds, hemp seeds, coconut milk and 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Mya says: Try it in bulletproof coffee, froths up like a fancy latte. So I am hoping this can help with it cause I am so tired of this pain all of the time. Stopped the itching, hoping it will reduce the scar, will keep you updated. 1 I put it on my bagel in the morning along with cream cheese. I know you said above that I should take the virgin one but I dont like the taste of coconuts. Also what to mix with to use for cellulite. This process does use heat but studies show that it does not harm the oil or reduce nutrient levels. I saw you wrote you would be writing oone on yur Vit K post. I have s very strict diet that I maintain to keep myself in top shape for boxing. Is taking the seeds with the oil not safe. 3 What was your one day fast method used. Do you just mix the whole seeds with the coconut oil and swallow. 1 Please let me know if is expire I can still use it Reply Joan Crain says: 132. I try to drink this 2 or 3 times a day monday through friday. So I began putting some on her dry dog food and she loves it. I have taken 3 different antibiotics and only feel a little better. ) Both are very easy. Reply kate says: 33 Is there any disadvantage to whipping coconut oil in a blender. Reply lauren says: 44. 1 No problem according to Dr Fife who wrote The Coconut Miracle book. Reply Elena says: 30 Your blog is amazing. Here are some ideas for how to use it: 1) Sauteed onions and garlic in it and then had pasta sauce. Reply Meek says: do the chia seeds need to be soaked when mixing with the coconut oil. 1. 1 Use Nupercainol for burns. Reply Ruth says: 5. And makes my ADD and Depression symptoms worse. I had a hysterectomy and my hormones has been acting up. Thanks Reply Eric says: 9. My next challenge will be adding it to oatmeal. I ordered some Tropical Traditions coconut oil and am wondering if that would be best to use for everything or if I should get refined oil for external use. Anyway, I am so completely dazzled by your site. Reply Wellness Mama says: 55. 3 Palmitic acid is good. The Thyroid Connection Summit: Help for Your Thyroid from Top Alternative Health Experts Dr. There are so many other health benefits as well. Reply Ava says: Coconut oil does great things for skin. 2 Same here can I c the list to coconut oil Reply Carrie says: 4 Holy. Reply Amanda H says: 32. Put in food processor and emulsify til creamy. When I returned home I used it as a cloth diaper safe rash cream, but soon got the suspicion she was sensitive to it because her rash Got worse and worse. I find that I can hardly live without it. Reply Jane says: 167 I had a operation and skin graft on my foot for skin cancer just over a year ago, part of it has not heeled properly. Reply rosa says: 5. I also have started the oil pulling and my mouth feels great just like after a teeth cleaning. Reply tracy says: 8. Maybe ill try the frozen chunks and take a s a pill like it was suggested. I bet that bed is made better than almost every crib on the market today. I even linked it to my blog on my website Fit to be Trained. I am 47 and my hair looks and feels like hair of a 16 year old. Reply Kathy P says: 166 does coconut oil mix well with Vanilla scented essential oil. I would love to use this in my am coffee. I have a c-section scar, as well, and although it looks really good for it only being 7 months later, I would love to see it fade more. I love this organic virgin and fair-trade coconut oil (which is like Costco online but for healthy products). Reply Dawn C says: 88. 6 When your teens use it for acne how do they go about it. Coconut Oil is over 40% lauric acid, the richest source naturally available. 3 i was thinking the same.

Reply Angela Morris says: 5. Reply Arika says: 68 What about the dangers of phytic acid in coconuts. I use the oil for several things but not for my bad back. Reply Shira Nahari says: I make wonderful bone broth using oxtail. 1 Unrefined is definitely best if you have it. It melts quickly, and this method will damage the oil less than microwaving. 2) Stir fry any fresh veggies. Reply Hazel says: 40 is pure and virgin coconut oil the same thing. Reply Sarah Laird Fultz says: Did you feel energetic. Other posters also suggest keeping the container on the stovetop so the oil stays more liquid. My morning regimen starts with 8 ounces of water which I have waiting for me by my bedside before I even get up. She had almost complete hair loss and itching. 1. In regards to the tbsp a day, can it be combined in tea or coffee (love your coffee recipe. Thaxs Carla Pauls Reply Angelme Imu says: 80 I have been using pure unrefined coconut oil on my skin for about a month. It is extracted from fresh coconut using a wet-milled fermentation process that protects the beneficial properties of the coconut. i know oil pull for 30mins a day as often as i can. My masseuse told me to wait until I had had my 6-8 week check with my doctor before she would do any proper massage on it. Reply Jen says: 32. I use the coconut oil as a makeup remover, then use the scrub on my face about 3 times a week, and after washing my face, then moisturize with coconut oil. Reply Liza says: 53. I used coconut oil for the first time today and added 2 tablespoons to a cup of beans while heating them. 4 i found it disgusting when i started eating it too. Have you heard of c oil or anything else as successful for acne scars. Reply Rebekka Hartmann says: 6 So do you just eat with a spoon. I need to read several more of your blogs, you have GREAT info. When your body burns oils from the outside, it quickly starts to burn fat from the inside (your thighs etc). My eyes have been blurry and teary all day. I also use a goat milk soap from a local farmer for my face wash. It draws toxins out of your system via your mouth, and even breaks down plaque on your teeth. I also made the Wellness Mama toothpaste that remineralizes my teeth. 3 I put it in my yogurt with some Bear Naked granola. 4 Thank you I wondered why my usual low heart rate had increased, I hav been using c. Reply Karen Dougherty says: 47 I loved this and found it just plain fun and informative. He commented on how the science actually proves the opposite conclusion from what is commonly believed about saturated fats. the eggs comb out really easy and the buggers prrtty much hate it and try to leave. This type of oil offers the most of the benefits listed above. I know lots of mums use coconut oil when cooking dinner foods (yea, including me). I like my weight and size can I still use it. Emily says: DO NOT PUT AROUND YOUR EYE AREA, atleast not during the day. Well done too for your weight loss Reply Renita says: 9 I have been using coconut oil for many years now. Because you basically swallowed all the toxins and bacteria that the oil pull got out. She smells the stuff the second I open the jar and comes running. I initially wanted to swish it in mouth to help with my gums. 1 I agree with this. In fact, coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid after breastmilk. Reply Kim says: 5. 4 Hi Katie I have 2 teenage boys suffering with Acne How do I use coconut oil for this purpose and does this really work. I then add Braggs Aminos (healthier soy sauce taste without the soy) and Balsamic vinegar (half of each). Once a week, rub a small amount on your face. it will absorb. 1. 1. I just love all the information and thankful for all your hard work putting it together for us. Reply Mark says: 15. I was using it a decade ago before it became popular and widely available in grocery stores. We all get a bit of coconut oil in the morning, and the furries have the most beautifully shiny coats. Reply janet says: 28. All the benefits of eating the coconut oil PLUS smooth luscious (not dry and cracked) morning lips. Coconut oil is really safe for deep frying. Some of the things on the list are duplicates though, but still a great and helpful list of uses. 1 Can you please send me the list. And, did you use in conjunction with anything else. I also have it and I am currently using organic expeller pressed coconut oil on my skin. Cook water out to make candied sweet potatoes or candied yams. I have a very under active thyroid, which causes weight gain among other health issues. Jeff Martin says: An ancient practise does not mean it is efficatious. 4 I have to comment on No 75. Honey can be applied everyday and lemon only 2-3 times a week. I really want to get to where I am taking a couple of spoonfuls before each meal. Coconut oil is high in short and medium chain fatty acids, which are easily digested and sent right to the liver for energy production. On the other hand, evidence contradicting it arrives on an almost daily basis. Coconut oil can be stored a long time without going rancid like vegetable oils. s. For my skin and hair, I use one that has a full coconutty smell. My three year old has quite a lot and they are making her miserable. 3 Please explain more about the lubricant topically. However, if you want to believe there is some benefit, so be it. Having a teaspoon a day will prevent migraines or lessen their frequency and intensity. 1. MCFAs can help increase metabolism since they are sent directly to the liver and give the body an instant source of energy. I used it as lotion, too. Or could I do the natural wipe recipe and add it to the squirt bottle. Reply Tiffany says: 160 I just bought refined organic coconut oil. It takes 3 washes and still the hair is heavy but not all greasy. 1. Naturally clears up cold sores Ingesting coconut oil daily can help with allergy symptoms Some people say ingesting. ). The dogs will eat it (and steal it from each other). I have been sick for a while and I am trying to eat better so I am going grain, legumes and dairy free to see how my body reacts. I only expect this to improve with prolonged regular use. 1. 2 I do, but I also use it in every day cooking and food prep. Dawn says: I warm it up and add it to homemade granola which is pretty much oats nuts dried fruits and seeds(whatever I gave on hand) then I put this on my morning yogurt yum Karen says: I like to mix honey in with my coconut oil. I use it in personal grooming as suggested here and also for razor burn in the summer. Personally, I only use Tropical Traditions Gold Label organic virgin coconut oil. 1 Elena, they switched to a newer system and you were grandfathered in. 2. I tried melting it, adding it to the creamer and shaking it vigorously, but it still separated. 2 whats gelatin and where can i find it. I have over 200 natural skin care recipes to repair skin and one of my favourite ingredients is coconut oil, we keen a jar in our kitchen, a BIG one as we use it for so many things from cooking to furniture polish. Saturated Fat and Heart Disease: The Greatest Scam in the History of Medicine Dr. Reply Kelsey says: 10 Wow Katie- this is awesome. It proclaims that eating foods containing saturated fats are the root cause of obesity and heart disease. I have been gluten-free for 3 and a half years, very strict about it since I am highly allergic. I have heard that coconut oil will also aid in passing a hair strand test. They are by nu source, Organic Extra Virgin 1000mg per soft gel. 1 Can you show me that list too. Reply Jennifer Johnson White says: 12. Reply Farris says: 39 What am I suppose to mix with the coconut oil to use for eczame. Reply Debra says: 1. 1. It makes your popcorn taste like it used to in the movie theater. After I add it I then add some sort of whole grain granola-type crunchy goodness and whatever fruit. Reply Anne says: 7. Reply suzan gilliam says: 127 What is an oil pull. And they had a special of order 1 and get 1 free so now I can take some to my daughter and get her started on it. Reply Michele says: 168 I have been dealing with a small bowel bacteria infection for months. Thank you for sharing those things with us. I am also going to try it in smoothies, I make green smoothies and think coconut oil in it will make it taste better and make it even more healthy. , a renowned leader in functional medicine and the New York Times bestselling author of The Autoimmune Solution and The Thyroid Connection is hosting The Thyroid Connection Online Summit from October 24-31. You should do a article on oil cleaning for the face. Dr. How many say teaspoons of cco to chia seeds. I also use it for infant massage (not sure if that was on the list but maybe you should add It to the massage oil tip). 2 Could you please explain more about your coconut oil fast and also how much you take daily in order to see weight loss results. Reply Base says: 13 This is a great handy list. It also helps a feeling of satiety and can assist in weight loss. It says they produce it without heat or chemicals or bleach. Chantell says: 5. I put the coconut oil in a glass and add an ounce or so of hot water and let it melt. It fails on all accounts except one out of like 20. You inspired me to go DIY and to live by the code of natural living. Reply Darian Newman says: Are the capsules as effective as the oil. I heard it is better for you than leg bones. The oil seems to penetrate better as opposed to just feeling slick. Thanks to this I will be ordering and using coconut oil. Reply Mary Smith says: 90 IS COCONUT BUTTER THE SAME. Have you ever heard if it helping with these issues. You can, but the crust will be heavier and have a different taste. The Aztec people had runners that ran fresh fish from the Gulf of Mexico to Mexico City and used these seeds to sustain them. 3. Reply Wellness Mama says: 22. It tastes and smells the same every bottle. She was suggesting that the person above her try oil pulling first, where you spit the oil. 3 How do you wash your face with the coconut oil. 2. I dipped q tips in it and lined the inside of my nose and used it on my lips. Reply Wellness Mama says: Actually, there are some brands that make capsules of coconut oil. And, yes you do need to grind the chia seeds. Malcom Kendrick is a Scottish doctor and author of the book The Great Cholesterol Con. Thanks for this great site and the wonderful comments. PS cats also love the taste of C-oil and it is very good for their coats. I have used coconut oil in the past when I did I used Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Wait another 20 mins and rinse vinegar off. Reply Shari says: Um, pretty sure the maple syrup ruined any healthy benefits to this mixture. Reply lynne says: I just found this site and am quite impressed. They are metabolized differently than longer chain fats, going straight from the digestive system to the liver. 1 Thanks for your response. I like to roast a chicken, then the next day I will put the bones in a stock pot with plenty of water, a little salt, and a glug of vinegar. I like a dash of cream too. Reply Kelly says: 1. They are the perfect size for 5 lb. Both my wife and I have stopped using any other moisturizer because of the noticable improvement of our skin (head to foot). 1 To ingest, just put a spoonful in your mouth and swallow. Next morning, wash hair with coconut oil shampoo (you can find this at Target) and condition with a tiny bit of VCO on the tips of hair. Reply Hana says: 36 Is there a certain kind. I will be getting a glycolic peel this afternoon due to putting coconut oil on my face. PamK says: I have one of those mini electric whisks used to froth hot chocolate, which I bought online. I started using coconut oil originally to lose weight and it works. Ketosis allows fat to be converted into energy instead of storing it as fat. 2 I have been using it all over my face and neck, I get acne on my chin and checks, but the coconut oil works great. 2. It tastes like a fluffy, nutty, coconuty caramel. In order for the best flavor you want something that says Unrefined pure and organic on label. What oils do you suggest, most other oils make me sick. You have to do it in a blender or immersion blender though. (I have severe allergies and dry lips. Let sit 20 minutes to an hour. 5. 1. Healthy options are available but many refined coconut oils do not have the benefits of unrefined. Can you put anything with it to make it go down better. This may be part of the reason that coconut oil is so beneficial to the brain and for weight loss. Reply Mia Gordon says: 97 This is a great post I love making my natural skin care recipes and yummy body butters with coconut oil. We soak her in coconut oil (she LOVES it) let it sit on her for an hour and shampoo. Reply Valerie says: 103. After about 30 days I have noticed less itching and that sand paper feeling under my eyelids is completely gone. Just lodge your tounge back towards your throat and you should be okay. So if I put it into something like eggnog it will still work, correct. m. I am wondering if the ingredients are compatible with each other. It never even spiked up to the intensity I have always suffered. It melted after a few seconds and the 20 minutes passed quickly. Each time, I used a clean spoon to get the amount I wanted from the jar. But FIRST-how do you emulsify it in coffee. Reply amanda shinkle says: You should not drink the oil after pulling, it becomes full of toxins. Reply Magen Friend says: 59 I am looking to see what the ratio is. The one I find on the selves are quite nasty in my opinion. A week ago the daughter in law called (knowing I use the oil for a lot of things) and said the pug had a nasty oozing sore about an inch in diameter that nothing was working on. Reply Elaine says: 152. Rinse off with an equal mix of water and Bragg apple cider vinegar. Reply Wellness Mama says: 17. Coconut oil is the most nutrient dense part of the coconut. 2 Where do you buy it from. Her body fat was around 9%, and she used coconut oil to lose any added fat before competition. This provides a quick source of energy and brain fuel. Its antimicrobial properties can help fight irritation and infection in the gut from Candida. Reply Sue says: 12. 8 I have several questions. Thanks Reply Erin says: 5 Katie How timely, I just asked on my last post if any readers knew of more benefits of coconut oil. with iwo days and I use it to shave my legs and it nourishes the skin. 1 The trick for what. You can use a small amount or a lot this way as the sauce and then the pasta will absorb the coconut oil. 3 I agree with Linda a lot of old cribs may be dangerous, check online about crib safety standards, the slats on older cribs are more likely to be wider spread apart and the little one can get their head stuck. Keeps my blood sugars under control and also got rid of the constant infections I was having with my sugar issues. I would advice anyone to use it, it really helps. 1 You just rub this stuff anywhere anyway. Reply Seth Harrison says: 55. So I use grapeseed oil or olive oil in her wipes now. 1. I wake up bloated and swell throughout the day no matter what I eat. 1 I just got a foot tattoo and thought of using co to moisturizer and heal, but then I thought since it pulls toxins, ioght pull the ink out. I got to where I could tolerate eating a spoonful of it. I received my first batch of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) and immediately started on the suggestion of a tablespoon four times a day. 1. Most accidents with cribs happen from neglect from the parents and bad design from the Chinese. Reply Elliott says: 17 You said that refined oil will work for external use. Sabiah Love says: 1. 3 Yes, And it nakes for a great personal lubricant. If its cool or room temp coconut oil is thick but as soon as you rub between your hands to put on your face it will turn to oil. I learned new ways to use coconut and cant wait to try. Any other suggestions on how I can get it down that might be a bit more healthy than the sweetened coconut flakes. 3 days went by. Check them out on amazon. 1 Thank you for the information. These rare oils are naturally free of cholesterol and hard to find in nature. Good Luck on finding new uses for it Reply Lori Leathers says: The first coconut oil I bought had no flavor at all, saving that for cooking. Such as: Coconut Oil Uses This versatile oil has hundreds of uses in the home, in beauty recipes and in cooking. Last week, I had a migraine aura start up on my way out of the market, I came straight home and had an extra teaspoon of coconut oil and it dissipated within about 20 minutes. I swear by it and use it not only for my skin but my children skin too. I use Nutiva Organic Unrefined Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. He commented on how the science actually proves the opposite conclusion from what is commonly believed about saturated fats. Thanks Reply Josi says: 162 I used organic coconut oil to clear up bacteriavaginosis caused by my IUD. The research seems to back it up and I love all the different uses for coconut oil. We all believe or at some stage believed that saturated fat is the worst stuff ever, however the science does not back that view. Reply kittka says: 7 Just ordered the expeller-pressed organic coconut oil and I am trying it out in my tea. BUT I will never use this on my face again. and let it soak in, until the afternoon. Reply Kortnee Ayers says: 89 Youre a referrer paid when people order from the link on your site and i never trust people that do that because i know you cant be honest when youre being paid to promote a product. I also gave some to a friend who had long standing foot fungal issue and he was raving about it. 1 I have non solid can I use it or throw it. 3) Use it in place of any other oil in baking bread. Research and find out about the long history of the ancient ayurvedic practice of oil pulling. Bill Maribel Garcia says: 5. 2 Thank you for your comment. 1. But it kept me hydrated through the nasty dry hospital bed rest. 1 I would just set the jar in a small pot with some water and warm it gently on the stove, just until enough of it liquefies for you to pour out. The Coconut Cures book talks about a coconut cleanse. And it says it will help you reduce weight can you tell me in what way. They myth of eating oils and fats and gaining weight from them need to be put to rest. So good Reply Christi says: 1. Reply Panaid says: 15. 1 How do you apply it for the yeast infections. Reply Missy Patrick says: 5. I only eat organic so I want to make sure it stays fresh and safe from damage. Reply ashley says: 28. 1 Yes, you can. Reply Dawn C says: 161 Is there any advantage or help with IBS. The oil, awesome as it is, turns rancid alarmingly quickly once in fabric and is impossible to remove and the smell will be in your nostrils forever. Thank you Reply Hailey says: 38 I ordered a five gallon pain through your link and did not receive a free book. Anne says: I eat it with yogurt every morning. Reply steven says: 1. 1 God help you if you get any on fabric: clothing, sheets, pillowcases, towels. I have no research to back me up only personal experience. I us it for my skin, my dogs all get a spoonful at night for a treat and it is also great for intimate moments. She called and told me the sore had almost healed up completely. I was wondering what thoughts are on using small amounts of C. Did you just dropped in some drops of the oil. The skin produces oil as a natural reaction to being stripped of oils via washing your face. 2 Coconut oil will not cause weight gain. Reply Elena says: 16 Unrelated to this post, I have not received the meal plans for. Reply Carol Chalmers Walsh says: 108 The link that is supplied for the free coconut oil book does not work. Please tell me what to do to start receiving them again. This stuff is nothing short of a miracle. If you cook it low and slow on the stove, the broth will congeal once you have cooled it in the fridge. You should have gotten an email with your new login and password, and from there, you can access all the meal plans and generate your own. Reply Reni Johnston says: 13. Reply Mindy says: 1. Reply Jamila Wiley says: 1. I also keep a mixture with epson salt and use when washing my hands. Lauric Acid Lauric acid is found in abundance in human breast milk and converts to a substance called monolaurin in the body. As with any food type, as long as you use the energy it gives you, it will not be stored as fat. bags of flour, sugar, etc. Sometimes I spread some on her paws and she goes into a licking frenzy. Reply Muma says: 23 This is great, thanks. Reply Norman says: 159 Was wondering if coconut oil did anything for protruding moles at all. The acid helps to pull calcium out of the bones, as an added benefit. I have only been using it for 1 week and still have not noticed a reduction in the bumps. Reply Perah says: 133 So where can I find the oil in liquid form so I can add to my lotions. Imagine cleaning your face with oil to clear up acne, again who knew. Reply Wellness Mama says: I usually mix with olive and castor oils for the skin. I have already shared the link with my mother and daughter. Reply Carol says: 103. Its natural antioxidant properties make it great for stopping wrinkles and skin irritation. Reply Pamela says: 158. Jennifer says: Maybe it would be better to soak the seeds in a bit of water first and then stir in the coconut oil in to make a pudding. dates and cacao powder wized in a thermo mix or food processor. I used it on mine and my scar is barely visible now. Reply marisa says: Do you just slather it on and rub it in or do you wipe it off after a certain time. But I definitely want all these great benefits. As a butter substitute, do you use a 1:1 ratio. I am SO HAPPY i discovered your blog, congrats and thank you for taking the time do share your wonderful knowledge with all of us: D I have a Q about using coconut oil as a night face wash, is this ok instead of using any other face washes, I kinda want to stop using Cetaphil facewash. Ava says: 6. It gives the stir fry a slightly sweet taste, but not really coconut-y. Can we give our pets some of the oil from a gel cap on their food. Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs) Most of the fats we consume are long chain fatty acids that must be broken down before they can be absorbed. Reply Meredith says: 142 Question about using it after birth. I grind them up very finely in a coffee grinder. I use coconut oil for everything except vinegar and oil salad dressing. I got so sick I had to lie down and had horrible gas the next day. That has worked well, but I am told coconut oil works even better. I ate a teaspoon to top off my uses for the day lol I plan on using it on my face after the shower tonight. Reply Bridge says: 9. 5 Hello my 16 year old son has acne and I hear coconut oil is good to help it clear up. Jann says: Oil Pulling is when you put about a tablespoon of oil into your mouth and swish it around, for anything from a minute to 30 mins before spitting it out. Pam says: Do you have a reciept for this. Just put in it something to make it a small type thing so that you can just swallow it. Wellness Mama says: Any are fine for cooking an unrefined is better if you dont mind the coconut taste. Lung surfactant is made up of palmitic acid. Since the yogurt is cold the oil becomes solid. No weight gain, in fact have lost weight, have more energy, and I feel like my appetite is smaller. It has also cleared my acne and other skin issues. Worst-case scenario: no refrigeration, sealed, 90% humidity and 90 degrees. I skim the oil with a knife to get thin pieces. 1 What kind of coconut oil do you use for oil pulling. Tasty, long lasting, not sticky and no chemicals. Rice milk is also an option for those with nut allergies. Then I read about the difference in how the oils were processed and realize the unrefined is the best for internal use. Works if you have an itch somewhere it will take care of it. It is an oil so it will show up on some sheets so test it on an inconspicuous place first then wash it and see how your sheet comes out. 1 I have used it on 3 tattoos now with great results and last 2 artists say their girls swear by it. much easier on the stomach, but also provides energy. Reply Isabella says: 72 We have used it on our hair overnite for lice. Reply Denise says: 101 Can Coconut oil help a person stop smoking Reply Allison Schumm says: 102 My 2 year old is allergic to coconut and dairy. I bake one loaf of bread in my bread machine weekly and only use coconut oil. I like squash, zucchini, eggplant, onion, and bell pepper. Reply joy says: What type of coconut water do you drink. oil for quite some months now jeannie Reply odette vasquez says: 8. In recipes calling for a liquid oil, avocado oil and sesame oil substitute well. I froze a layer in a bowl, broke off a piece and inserted it. could I just swipe it on a maxi pad and wear it. Reply Kim says: 1.

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